Life is good

In front of the old Hudson’s Bay building in Apex

I am so grateful for the time in Nunavut with my amazing partner! Life is good! Here are some photos of us with our Life is good t-shirt with the cold wind blowing and the sun dogs dancing in the background.

Apex beach- yes beach!


Welcome to Iqaluit sign

Ravens everywhere- it brings a whole new meaning to Alfred Hitchcock’s movie “The birds”

Ravens in the capital of Nunavut are huge- no gigantic! They are incredibly intelligent and are capable of mimicking almost any sound. I have heard screams, cell phones, car horns, recorders to name a few. We have seen them surround little dogs and I wouldn’t be surprised if the stories about them grabbing little puppies are true.

It starts with one….

Then a party line of three…

Suddenly along the entire road there are ravens.

Their favorite place is the dump. The largest ravens live here. They are literally the size of a large cat!

A close-up of a large raven.

dogsledding in Iqaluit

Meeting the dogs out on the west 40

staying warm :  )

Off we go….

It was a cold morning around -35 but felt much colder. Two days previous the temperatures were -48 with the wind chill so it should have felt downright balmy!


Pond Inlet (Mittimatalik) photos

Pond Inlet airport in late Oct. 2016

Pond Inlet airport in late Oct.  2016

unique artwork throat singers in amautis

unique artwork throat singers in amautis

Friends along the way on my walk in Pond.

Friends along the way on my walk in Pond.

Sadly the only Narwhals that I saw in Pond Inlet on the sign for the library.

Sadly the only Narwhals that I saw in Pond Inlet on the sign for the library/museum and information building.

Mittimatalik the place where the landing place is in Inuktitut

Mittimatalik the place where the landing place is in Inuktitut

Golden glow on the mountains of Bylot island.

Golden glow on the mountains of Bylot island.

on top of the hill

This hill overlooks the harbor and the city centre. Always so much fun to climb especially after coming back from a Baltic cruise wearing the proof of the delightful culinary experience! You can see the coast guard ship at the mouth of the harbor and I think you can finally see some of the height of the hill using the buildings in the background as a point of reference.




Beautiful vegetation

After all the snow that came with the storms in April, the rapid melting and rain we are now able to enjoy the beautiful flowers that are ‘smiling’ at the sunshine-filled days. Let’s hope they last!


fields of pink


arctic cotton

Igloo building

Solomon Awa a professional guide with many years of experience building igloos and teaching others how to survive off the land demonstrated how to build an igloo.

  • In a few hours he was able to complete the igloo complete with benches inside.